How to Draw an Anime Girl! COOL!!         
      Here, you can learn how to draw an anime girl. ISN'T THAT SO COOL!!! This is my way, the quickie way.
      I usually, avoid drawing with circles, and go on full force with the head design only using that cross
      thingy-mobber for proportion. 

     As you can see, I already started on the picture. (Sorry about  that, but the idea came to me while I was drawing). From what you can see, I started out with a faint sketch, with a somewhat cross in the center of her face. That is to help you know where the eyes, mouth, and nose go (i would call it something else, but I forgot the word). Its best for you to sketch out everything before darkening.  I now added the eyes, and darkened the nose. Sorry if it  looks messed up, but I lost my pencil and found a new one, and it decided not to work right. You see that I still have my  little cross lines? She looks a little ditzy, but wait and see....

Clean up #1 - Erase the cross-thingymajig Darken lines. Added a ear. whoo... i'm so GOOD.
I've now added a dark shadow and some hair. You think she was going to be bald. O_o Add more detail to the hair.... yep, it gets a little exciting... okay, well, never mind....
Add shadowing....

The Finished Product

       Final notes:
       You should clean up you art work a lot more. Erase lines, make it look bolder and cleaner, especially if 
       you're going to color it.
       Look at other drawings and at real things to get something close to a real person and to the fictional character.
       Instead of tracing, try drawing by just looking at the character
       Practice makes perfect! It'll not automatically come to you just because you want it too, it takes a while for
       your artwork to improve. My artwork isn't that good!